Monday 26 May 2008

On the Horizon: May 26th '08

Greetings my huge readership! (that's right, both of you.... in fact not even two people read this). This is a new segment I will do entitled 'On the horizon', when I discuss what games are coming out soon and my thoughts on them. It's really a chance for you to leave a comment, disagree with what I say, and generally debate how good these games will be. So here goes...

Metal Gear Solid 4

Probably the most important and most hyped game in the near future is Metal Gear Solid 4. It's the game which I bought my PS3 for (I adored the other entries in the series), so it will come as no surprise to hear that I think it looks fantastic. The gameplay looks a refinement of the slightly clunky other games in the series- for the first time (excluding MGS3 Subsistence- a re-release) the player directly controls both the camera, and the aiming, eliminating any complaints of clunky controls, and bringing the game more into line with other action games. Hopefully, it will still keep a distinctive Metal Gear Solid feel- not becoming too much like a Gears of War, or a GRAW.
As for the story, the fourth installment looks to take videogame storytelling to the next level. The Metal Gear Solid games have always been incredibly distinctive and cinematic, something which is probably down to the series' creator Hideo Kojima. Check out this outstanding theatrical trailer for a taste of what is to come.

To conclude, I'm anticipating that MGS4 will be the finest installment in the series, with more refined gameplay, and an epic climax to the superb story. I have jumped on the MGS4 bandwagon, and am planning a Metal Gear Solid cosplay, hiding in cardboard boxes outside Game on June the 12th. I suspect it will be Kojima's finest hour, and will truly push the limits in terms of videogame storytelling and cinematography.

Ninja Gaiden 2

Another game out soon is Ninja Gaiden 2 for the Xbox 360. The original Ninja Gaiden (Xbox) was probably one of the finest 3-D action games ever, so the sequel has a lot to live up to, which explains the hype surrounding the game. For me, the second installment looks like it will live up to expectations, but not surpass them, as a sequel which, while being worthy of the original, never really distinguishes itself. The combat looks even more gory and visceral (indeed the game has been awarded an 18 over here in PAL land, and an M rating in the states), and, to its credit, I reckon the game actually looks pretty good in motion, having previously seemed a little underwhelming. This video should give you an idea of the great visuals and gruesome gameplay.

I've already spotted a number of camera faults within gameplay footage (a major failing of the first game) and the combat doesn't look hugely deep or innovative. Nevertheless, Ninja Gaiden 2 is shaping up to be a worthy successor to an outstanding action game, showcasing fun, gory gameplay and an old-school level of challenge.

The above video surfaced on the web the other day, a teaser trailer for a new mature Wii action title called Mad World

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